Special Reports

Special Report: Perspectives from New and Expectant Mothers on Maternal Care

Pregnancy can be an exciting time for women wanting to start a family, but it can also be stressful, especially for first-time parents. While not every woman experiences pregnancy the same way, everyone deserves high-quality maternal care that ensures optimal health throughout every stage of this life chapter. However, many women don’t receive it.

According to a 2022 report from March of Dimes, maternity care deserts—areas where there is little to no access to obstetric care—affect 2.2 million U.S. women of childbearing age. This particularly affects Black and Indigenous women who are more likely to live in these areas and 2-3x more likely to die from pregnancy complications than White women.

Choosing the right doctor during this journey can make all the difference—but health disparities make it a challenge for pregnant women to get the information and care they need. Responses from our Healthgrades’ Choices During Pregnancy Study show that Women of Color are more likely to experience barriers to care, as well as women who live in rural areas, are less affluent, lack access to quality health insurance, live with a health condition, or are a part of the LGB community.

With over half of all women surveyed looking for a new doctor as they embark on their pregnancy journey, what can health system marketers do to effectively engage with new and expectant mothers and better address their birth wishes? Download our special report to uncover the unique experiences—and barriers—facing pregnant patients as they prepare to give birth and recover from delivery.